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St Margaret's Church

Crick Village

Useful contacts

Crick News Contact List

Try first clicking Contacts to view or download the latest Crick News Contacts List.

Bus Services
There is a timetable outside the Wheatsheaf in Church Street.

The Crick Education Charity – Contact the Clerk to the Charity. David Holmes 01788 822158
Crick Parochial Charity - Contact the Clerk to the Charity. David Holmes 01788 822158
The Yelvertoft and District Nursing Association – Crick Trustee, Anne Drewett. 01788 823499

St Margaret’s Church 
United Reformed Church 
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – Roman Catholic Church at Yelvertoft

Crick Medical Practice
16. Watford Road. Crick        
Phone: 01788 822203

Crick Heart Attack Response Team (CHART)
CHART (previously known under the name of VETS) is the new name for the team of first responders to be called if anyone has had a heart attack while in or around the village. Responder(s) will come to give immediate support, under the direction of the ambulance service. In an emergency first call 999, and then immediately follow that with a call to VETS on 01788 422808, to get local support while waiting for the ambulance.      
Phone: 01788 422808

Crick News
Parish Magazine produced 5 times a year and distributed free to every Crick household.
Editor:  clerk@crickparishcouncil.org.uk
Financed    Crick Parish Council 
clerk@crickparishcouncil.org.uk Distribution    Crick Parish Councilors

Northampton General Hospital    01604 634700
Hospital of St Cross        01788 572831

In-patient, respite care, day centre
Cynthia Spencer House    01604 670720

IT Centre 
See Old School Hall

Rugby Library        01788 542687
Daventry Library    0300 126 1000

MEP for the East Midlands
Bill Newton Dunn   07939-250473
Information    Summer 2012 Bulletin

Mobile Library
Enquiries     0300 126 1000
Information    www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/Leisure/Libraries

Houses for Sale in and around Crick
See current list

Old School Hall   
See Old School Hall

Parish Council       
See www.crickparishcouncil.org.uk

Pre-school Play Group
Contact        Gemma Cosford    07964 108009
Information    www.crickpreschool.org

Reporting non-urgent incident    08453 700 700
Urgent incident            999

Refuse Collection
Daventry District Council    01327 300001

See www.crick.northants.sch.uk

Voluntary Car Scheme
Volunteers use their own car to take people to medical appointments.  There is also a “minibus” for group usage.
Daventry Area Community Transport (DACT)     01327 701666

Village Diary
Contact     Ann Ward    01788 823314    annmward@talktalk.net

Village Hall
Contact        Julia Cartwright  07772 275577

Women's Running Network - Crick Crackers
The Womens Running Network is a women's running movement founded in 1998 in Devon by Pauline Beare and Peggy Wiseman to inspire women of all ages to run for fun and fitness. Sue Whitling runs groups in Crick, all of which are aimed at complete beginners for all ages, shapes and sizes.

Contact Sue Whitling 07748 591307 sue@whitlingmarine.com  See also www.womensrunningnetwork.co.uk

Village Networks on Tour
What we can help with:
   Money advice: how to find the best deal on gas and electricity supplies. Bring a copy of your supplier statement to an event or the RIC
   Health and wellbeing: receive advice from experts on issues that concern you.
   Advice and support on welfare benefits and debt
   Ask about coaching on using computers, emailing, online shopping, etc.
   Job-seeking advice and a range of support to help you.
   Connect with local voluntary/community groups and find out about local volunteering opportunities.
See their website at  http://www.snvb.org.uk/VillageNetworks.html