Crick Village
Clubs and Societies
The Crickets Vocal Group
The Crickets Vocal Group is a group of local singers from Crick, and neighbouring villages, which gets together to sing madrigals
and a variety of songs from the past. The group is about 20 strong, consists of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses and meets
generally on a fortnightly basis for rehearsals - usually a Tuesday morning at 10.30am at The Chapel, Main Street, Yelvertoft.
Male voices are especially required at the present time!
Contact Nanette Brown 01788 822718
St.Margaret's Church Choir
St.Margaret's Church Choir is a group made up of local sopranos and altos who sing at services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in
each month. The choir is currently about seven strong, and is always happy to welcome new singers - particularly tenors and basses.
Contact Nanette Brown 01788 822718
The Scratch Choir at the Carol Service in St.Margaret's Church
The Scratch Choir is a group of local singers from Crick, neighbouring villages, and counties, which gets together in Novemeber and
December each year to rehearse a number of carols and hymns that will be sung at the Lessons and Carols Service in St.Margaret's
Church at 6.00pm on the last Sunday before Christmas. The group usually grows to about 20 strong, with sopranos, altos, tenors and
basses, and includes a number of experienced singers. Rehearsal dates will be finalised nearer the time. Male voices are especially
in demand!
Contact Andrew Hutley 01788 823446
Yelvertoft Ladies Choir
Telvertoft Ladies Choir are a group of local ladies from Yelvertoft and neighbouring villages who get together to sing a variety
of songs. The group are about 20 strong and they meet up generally on a weekly basis for rehearsals on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm.
Contact Nanette Brown 01788 822718
Open to boys and girls between 6 and 8 years of age
Contact Richard Clay 07841 205367
Look for contacts in
Crick News
Contact Paul Crocker 01788 822747
Open to boys and girls between 8 and 10½ years of age
Paul Crocker 01788 822747
Richard Clay 07841 205367
Bowls Club(Indoor,
Short Mat)
Venue: Village Hall
Cricket Club
Alan Simms 01788 844125
Cycling Club
Contact Pat
Banyard-Smith 01788 822091
Darby and Joan
Venue: Village Hall
Contact: Shirley George
07913 701665
Drama Group
Crick Drama Group perform pantomime and plays – adult and
junior at Crick Village Hall
Contact Nanda Merchant 01788 823500
Football (Crick Athletic
Football Club)
Wilf Simms 01788 822618
Lane 01788 822580
Simms 01788 844125
Hawkin 07774835359
Or E-mail margret.Sinclair@ntlword.com
Golf Society
Crick Golf Society is active and meets infrequently
Contact Dennis
Kirk 01788 824754
History Society
See Crick History Society
Playing Field Association
Wilf Simms 01788 822618
New Sports Field Development
The aim is to develop a new sports comples on the ground on Yelvertoft
Contact Tim
Cantwell 01327
302403 TCantwell@daventrydc.gov.uk
Tennis Club
There is a court outside the Village Hall
Contact Dennis Kirk 01788 824754
Women's Running Network - Crick Crackers
Womens Running Network is a women's running movement founded in 1998 in
Devon by Pauline Beare and Peggy Wiseman to inspire women of all ages
to run for fun and fitness. Sue Whitling runs groups in Crick, all of
which are aimed at complete beginners for all ages, shapes and sizes.
Contact Sue Whitling 07748 591307 sue@whitlingmarine.com See also www.womensrunningnetwork.co.uk